Friday, February 6, 2009

Reading Log


Proven Guilty
Unseen Academicals

Finished Books:
1. Storm Front
2. Fool Moon
3. Grave Peril
4. Summer Knight
5. Death Masks
6. Blood Rites
7. Dead Beat
8. Inkheart
9. Guards! Guards!
10. Men at Arms
11. The Eyre Affair
12. The Way of Shadows
13. Shadow's Edge
14. Beyond the Shadows
15. The Name of the Wind
16. Heart-Shaped Box
17. Coraline
18. Odd and the Frost Giants
19. Northern Lights
20. Magician's Guild
21. Novice
22. Black Magician
23. At The Mountains of Madness
24. Skulduggery Pleasant
25. Skulduggery Pleasant Playing with Fire
26. The Neverending Story
27. The Affinity Bridge
28. The Osiris Ritual
29. Neverwhere
30. Dracula
31. Furies of Calderon
32. Academ's Fury
33. Cursor's Fury
34. Captain's Fury

To Be Read:
1. Inkspell
2. Inkdeath
3. October Skies
4. Let The Right One In
5. Procession of the Dead
6. A Game of Thrones
7. A Clash of Kings
8. Soul Eater
9. Spirit Walker
10. Skulduggery Pleasant: The Faceless Ones
11. Princeps Fury